What's a Junior?

1903 Pages A Junior is a DAR member who is age 18 through 35 years of age (until her 36th birthday). A Junior is a full member of DAR who is eligible to hold office or chair committees at the state or chapter level. Juniors have diverse interests, but work together for a common goal, forming long-lasting friendships and opportunities for personal growth. The Junior distinction showcases those young women who are the future of DAR.

Traditionally, Juniors have served as pages at Continental Congress (the annual national meeting) and state conferences. Shown to the left are two 1903 pages, dressed in their "whites" and ready to serve. In 1937, the national Junior Membership Committee was formed, with goals of gaining new Junior members, building an informed Junior membership, and encouraging their participation in all areas of DAR service. It was at this same time that the committee's official fund-raising project, the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund, was established.

Helen Pouch Memorial Fund

The Helen Pouch Memorial Fund is named in memory of Helen Pouch, the daughter of Mrs. William H. Pouch, who was the first national chairman of the Junior Membership Committee. Mrs. Pouch became President General of the National Society in 1941. Junior members still support the fund, which provides scholarships and medical and financial assistance to the DAR-supported school Kate Duncan Smith DAR School.

Today's Pages


Today's Juniors still wear "whites" when they serve as pages, but often are allowed to dress in color at gala events. Kansas Daughters are extremely proud of their Juniors!

Kansas Daughters who support pages and help them along the way are Page Patrons.