Our chapter’s 25th anniversary and DAR’s 125th anniversary fell on the same date.
We celebrated DAR’s “Day of Service” by donating and planting a mini orchard of fruit and
nut trees on the property of Ronald McDonald House in Kansas City. When mature these trees
will provide over 1,000 pounds of food for residents of the three Ronald McDonald Houses.
While some chapter members planted along with Giving Grove, some packed snack bags for
the residents of Ronald McDonald House.
Our chapter has won recognition for regularly participating in the Lenexa 4th of July parade
bringing awareness of patriotic themes to the public. Here we celebrated the 100th anniversary
of World War I with a replica of the World War I monument in Kansas City. Chapter meetings may
include packing Christmas boxes for the senior class at Crossnore School in North Carolina, a
DAR supported school or celebrating our Presidents on a cold February day.