Kansas Society DAR Outstanding Junior 2002
Member of Nathan Edson Chapter!

Stephanie Alexandra Davis Valent with husband, James,
chapter members, and KSDAR State Junior Chairman.

In DAR, a Junior is a member who is 18 through 35 (until her 36th birthday). Juniors with particularly notable contributions to their Society and their communities may be nominated for State Outstanding Junior. These state winners then are eligible to be considered for National Outstanding Junior.

Stephanie Alexandra Davis Valent, member of Nathan Edson Chapter, is 2002 Outstanding Junior for the Kansas Society DAR.

From introductory remarks by the KSDAR Junior Chairman, March 2002:

Stephanie Valent is a homemaker and mother. She and her husband of 11 years, James, have three children of their own, and also serve as foster parents to two children from their community. Stephanie holds a degree in Business Administration from Ft. Hays State University, and is a substitute teacher for grades K-6. Additionally, she works as an administrative assistant for her husband's business. The couple also owns and manages six rental homes.

Stephanie has served as mayor of her community and was instrumental in reviving the town’s library. She helped with Meals on Wheels, Summer Bible School, and various suppers at her local church and school. In April 2001, the Knights of Columbus named her family "Council Family of the Year" for time and effort they had given to church and community. They also were awarded "District Family of the Year" - the same recognition at the district level. Stephanie was also named "Outstanding Volunteer" by the mid-Kansas Nutrition Services in 2001.

These activities in no way detract from her services to DAR. She has presented programs on genealogy at her children’s schools. She has promoted DAR with patriotic displays at the local libraries. In 2001 she received a KSDAR award for "Outstanding Constitution Week Participation." She has served her Chapter as Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and will soon be installed as Regent. She has served as chapter chairman for the following committees: Constitution Week, Public Relations, and Program. She has also served on the Chapter Nominating Committee. She has represented her Chapter as a delegate and Page at State Conference for the last two years. She is a member of the Junior Club and the Cameo Generations Club in Kansas.

Congratulations to the 2002 Kansas Outstanding Junior
Stephanie Alexandra Davis Valent!

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