National Society DAR

Welcome to Jonathan Gilbert Chapter DAR!

La Crosse, Kansas


Jonathan Gilbert Chapter was chartered October 26, 1937. The Organizing Regent was Lola McCormick Robinson. The State Regent, Mrs. Loren E. Rex, installed the officers and presented the chapter with a beautiful silk Flag of the USA, and a silk NSDAR Banner.

Jonathan Gilbert, the Revolutionary War ancestor of Mrs. Robinson, was selected for the name of the chapter. Jonathan Gilbert, born March 28, 1713, was one of the early settlers of Gloucester, Massachusetts. He married Abigail Rogers there on April 17, 1740, and died there on May 5, 1800. During the Revolution, Gilbert served on the Committee of Safety at Gloucester.

Anniversary The chapter took an active role in the administration of the El Cuartelejo Pueblo Ruins. Mary Stang, chapter member, was appointed state chairman of the committee in 1974.

On October 10, 2007, the chapter celebrated its 70th anniversary at the home of a member.

That same year the chapter hosted the Southwest District meeting of Kansas DAR with a luncheon at the McCracken Hotel. The hotel had just been used in the filming of the movie "Paper Moon," starring Ryan and Tatum O'Neal. The hotel's owner was our guest speaker.

The chapter has always been very interested in libraries and county histories. Members helped to publish the Rush County History book and the McCracken History. Members have also worked to locate and mark the Hampton Crossing on the Fort Hayes-Fort Dodge Trail.

Barbed Wire Sculpture in La Crosse, KansasLa Crosse, our hometown, has the only museum in the world dedicated to the history of barbed wire.

Our chapter honors the history of our area and of our nation, but we also are always looking for ways to serve our community and nation today. To encourage membership in DAR, we have held genealogy workshops to help people prove their lineage.

Jonathan Gilbert Chapter has regular chapter meetings at 11:30 a.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September through May. Prospective members are always welcome. Contact us for more information, using the email link below.


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