


General Edward Hand Chapter was the fourth DAR chapter to be formed in Kansas, and was organized November 24, 1899. The name was selected to honor the Revolutionary ancestor of two of the charter members.

General Edward Hand, having had a distinguished career as a British officer, resigned from British service in 1774 and took residency near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He served as aide-de-camp and personal physician to General George Washington during the Revolution. Rock Ford, General Hand's home, is located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

One of the chapter's early members, Mrs. Terressa Jane Emmons Hoyt, was a Real Daughter -- that is to say, she was the daughter of a Revolutionary Patriot. In the early days of the DAR, there were seven Real Daughters who were members in Kansas.

Visiting Lincoln School

Of great importance to the chapter is preservation and marking of historical sites. The chapter was honored to be involved in moving the historic Dietrich Cabin from its location in Princeton, Kansas, to its current location in the City Park in Ottawa.

Through the years, the chapter has been very active in state and national projects and is proud to have provided leadership to the state society.

Residents of Sunflower Plaza joined the chapter in celebrating the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, and attendees were encouraged to donate 200 Lincoln pennies. Over 6,000 pennies were collected (weight 45 pounds!) and the amount, together with children's books, “Lincoln And (Fredrick) Douglas” and “Lincoln And His Boys“ was presented to the Lincoln School Library.



Santa Fe Trail Marker


The chapter, working with the Betty Washington Chapter of Lawrence, placed a Santa Fe Trail marker near Baldwin City. A stone marking the grave of an early missionary was placed in the Ottawa Mission Burying Ground and a gateway was erected at the entrance where two striking bronze tablets were set to honor pioneers buried there.



A Real Daughter Honored


Our chapter is particularly honored to have a "Real Daughter" who was a member. Terressa Emmons Hoyt joined DAR on the service of her father, Jonathan Emmons, who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He enlisted from Connecticut, but later entered a Massachusetts regiment. He also served in the Navy and served under General Lafayette. After the Revolutionary War ended, he took his family "west" to Onondago County, New York, where he settled in Lafayette, the town named for the French general under whom he had served. Hoyt married and made her own way further west and eventually lived in Osage county and Emporia, Kansas. She was one of only eight Real Daughters who were members of a Kansas DAR chapter.

A Real Daughter Honored

As part of a national DAR effort to locate and document the graves of all Real Daughters, General Edward Hand Chapter located and inspected her gravesite. The stone on the grave was in good condition, but needed a new foundation. Our chapter commissioned a replacement foundation. Later, the chapter rededicated the Real Daughter marker on the grave. Terressa Emmons Hoyt is buried at Lincoln Cemetery in Lebo, Kansas.

Genie Workshop


Our chapter is committed to bringing new members to DAR. One of the things we do is hold workshops where interested ladies can receive help in completing their application papers. This photo shows members and state leaders at a recent workshop.


The chapter holds regular monthly meetings September through May. Meetings are normally on the second Saturday of the month, at 9:30 a.m. Prospective members are welcome to attend. Please email us using the link below for more information.


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Last updated on June 14, 2013.