National Society DAR


Daughters of the American Revolution
Emporia, Kansas


The Emporia Chapter received its organizational charter on April 20, 1912. Myrta McKee Ramseyer was the Organizing Regent.

The chapter is named for the Greek word, emperon, meaning "trading center," and also for the town where the chapter is located.

A major focus for the chapter has been improving local schools, aiding the local Mexican colony, and giving historical medals to schools. The chapter has supported NSDAR projects with funds and other support throughout the years.

The chapter placed a historical marker on the first hotel site in Emporia, the site of the first well dug in 1858, and at the historic 1894 Plumb Home. Photos of these markers were donated to the National Society during its Centennial Jubilee for the Americana Collection.

In 1937, the chapter sponsored the organization of the Lyon County Historical Society, which serves as guardian for the chapter's scrapbooks. A proud accomplishment of chapter member, Miss Lucin Jones, was the completion of twelve volumes of cemetery records covering 40 area cemeteries.

Emporia Chapter is also committed to America's veterans of all wars. The chapter dedicated a plaque at the all-Veteran's Memorial at Snoden Grove to honor the men and women of the Revolution.

Emporia Chapter meets at 1:30 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of the month. Meetings are held from September through May. Prospective members are welcome to attend meetings. Please contact us for more information, using the link below.


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